
To promote skill-based Professional educational institutions and technical-based learning in various design and knowledge-based programs, for the talented youth, where they can, acquire and create the most advanced skill-based knowledge in their respective programs of interest. Develop holistic competence with global vision, local interface, societal orientation, industrial applicability and passion. Make an effective contribution to society in a dynamic environment.


Our institution is committed to nurturing a culture that extends the contours of knowledge and intellectual property in all fields of priority for global trend. CIDT will continuously develop an educational environment that enables students to acquire knowledge that is individually, socially & intellectually.


“Professional skills education for all”

  • To the fulfilment of its mission and vision, and to continuously strive towards educational excellence, the college has the following objectives.
  • To impart quality education in various design and visual art and professional discipline.
  • To establish state-of-the-art infrastructure to facilitate quality education.